Index indicators
Additional statistics
Cited policy reports or articles
Cited attitudinal and framing research
Communicating about housing the UK: obstacles, openings, and emerging recommendations
Communicating about housing the UK: obstacles, openings, and emerging recommendations
November 23, 2021
Does owning a home make you more conservative?
Does owning a home make you more conservative?
February 22, 2022
Talking about homes: the foundation for a decent life
Talking about homes: the foundation for a decent life
December 7, 2022
Stories from partner organisations
I’m a teacher, I’m a single mother, I have a sick son, and yet this is our only option
I’m a teacher, I’m a single mother, I have a sick son, and yet this is our only option
Georgina talks about the challenges of living with her young son in a tiny one-bedroom flat that is plagued with rats
It's not fair to expect people and their children to hop about from home to home
It's not fair to expect people and their children to hop about from home to home
Lucie talks about the regular stress and upheaval for her and her children of having to move seven times in the last 11 years
If my rent goes for one month without being paid, then I’m homeless
If my rent goes for one month without being paid, then I’m homeless
Joanna talks about how her monthly paycheque is not enough to cover her rent, food, bills and other family essentials