The Fairness Index is a project of the Fairness Foundation, published in October 2022.
Percentage of wealth held by the richest 20% and poorest 20%
Percentage of people living in poverty
Living standards
Percentage of people unable to afford an acceptable standard of living
Secondary school
GCSE attainment gap for disadvantaged pupils
Higher education
Difference between percentage of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils who go to university
Graduate outcomes
Difference between percentage of disadvantaged and privately educated graduates who become top quintile earners
Executive pay
Pay gaps between CEOs and average employees
Equal pay
Gender (and ethnicity and disability) pay gaps
Low pay
Percentage of employees paid less than the real Living Wage
Income tax
Difference between the effective average tax rates of top earners and median earners
Housing quality
Percentage of homes that are classified as non-decent
Health outcomes
Healthy life expectancy gap between rich and poor
Carbon emissions
Difference in per capita CO2 emissions between rich and poor
Percentage of people who think they have a say in what the government does
Fair treatment
Percentage of people who say they feel unfairly treated by society